Submission Instructions

Paper format

All papers must be formatted according to the ACM proceedings style. Click here to access LaTeX and Microsoft Word templates for this format. If you use LaTeX, please use sigconf.tex as the template.

Complying with double-blind review

In a “Double-blind Review” process, authors should not know the names of the reviewers of their papers, and reviewers should not know the names of the authors. Please prepare your paper in a way that preserves the anonymity of the authors, namely:

  • Do not put your names under the title,
  • Avoid using phrases such as “our previous work” when referring to earlier publications by the authors,
  • Remove information that may identify the authors in the acknowledgements (e.g., co-workers and grant IDs),
  • Check supplemental material for information that may identify the authors’ identity,
  • Avoid providing links to Websites that identify the authors.

Length of the paper

Please ensure the appropriate length of your submission. The length of both short and long papers should not exceed 6 pages including references.

All submissions can be made via EasyChair: